Why SEO is Continuous Process

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Why SEO is Continuous Process

1.     Competitors Continuously Perform SEO Too

Optify Organic CTR, #1, Above the Fold, 1st Page, and 2nd Page

Proven Data is here:

·         1st Results : 36.4%

·         Above the Fold : 19.5%

·         1st Page : 8.9%

·         2nd Page : 1.5%


Competitors are vying to rank at the top sport of search results are also conducting their own SEO campaigns using whatever resources they have in their arsenal.


2.     Search Engines Continuously Change Algorithms

Google and other search engines continuously battle deceptive or black hat SEO practices by constantly changing and improving their search algorithms like the Panda, Penguin, and recently the hummingbird update. Which may affect your already established search ranking. That is why it is vital to have continuous SEO campaign, constantly updating your strategies based on the changes and keep your websites as search engine friendly as possible.



3.     Developing Good Content is a Continuous Process

In a survey conducted by Unisphere Recherché for content marketing provider Skyword, 46% of survey participants claimed that they are updating their content at least once a week. When that survey was conducted, only 4% were able to update their content on a daily basis, but a big 40% mentioned that posting daily, at multiple times per day for that matter, is the ideal posting frequency that their businesses are targeting for.


4.     Continuous SEO Maintains Your Page Rankings

If you stop your SEO activities your page rankings will eventually suffer and drop from significant listings. This is confirmed in a SE) ranking study where businesses who discontinued their SEO campaigns found their page ranking drop by as much as 30%.


5.     Online Marketplace is Continuously Evolving

The old set of keywords you are targeting before may have produced for you good SEO results before, but they may not have the same kind of impact with changes in online markets. That is why SEO should be a constant and continuous process of re-evolution as well as re-optimisation particularly for keywords that you are targeting in your campaigns.


6.     Changes Can Occur in Your Business or Company

In every change that occur in your company, a corresponding change or update should also be performed within your SEO campaign. You may need to update your keywords or come out with new content to take these changes into consideration. In this way, you will update and not lose your existing markets and at the same time open doors for new ones.


 7.     Changes in Search User Behaviour

Update Keywords- A particular keyword set or combinations that they are using before may not have the same popularity or effectiveness now. You may lose out to competitors targeting these new sets of keywords if you continue to stick with your current keyword set without validating through keyword research if they are still relevant or not.


8.     Changes in Your Website Analytics Behaviour

There may be a shift in where inbound traffic is coming from and what particular set or keywords brought them there.

We should constantly and continuously study i.e.

  •  What your visitors are looking at within your website
  • Demographics from where these visitors come from
  • Actions they take after reading your content



 9.     Establishing You as an Authority in Your Business Place Takes Time

Constantly producing content that targeted audiences actually partake in will make your SEO ranking more stable and at the same time establishes you as an authority in your particular business place.


 10. Positive Online Reputation Needs Well-Maintained SEO Campaign

With a good and solid online reputation brought about by a strong and continuous SEO process, positive information about your brand, product or services remains on top of search engine results.

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